Results for 'M. Suzanne Zeedyk'

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  1.  30
    Mothers on Trial: Discourses of Cot Death and Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy. [REVIEW]Fiona E. Raitt & M. Suzanne Zeedyk - 2004 - Feminist Legal Studies 12 (3):257-278.
    This article explores some of the issues raised by Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP) and the relationship between medicine and law, specifically the discourses which feature in the courtroom portraying motherhood and expectations of parenting. These discourses are often hidden yet play a determining role in prosecutions for alleged maltreatment of children involving medically unexplained infant death syndrome. We offer a critique of MSbP and seek to unveil the assumptions about mothers, the parent predominantly affected by the ‘diagnosis’, and mothering (...)
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    Suzanne M. Zeedyk, and Fiona E. Raitt, The Implicit Relation of Psychology and Law: Women and Syndrome Evidence. [REVIEW]Belinda Brooks-Grodon - 2002 - Feminist Legal Studies 10 (2):195-197.
  3.  22
    Research in progress: Case studies of family adaptation to changing resources and environments. [REVIEW]M. Suzanne Sontag & Margaret W. Bubolz - 1985 - Agriculture and Human Values 2 (1):48-51.
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    The Science of Rape: (Mis)Constructions of Women's Trauma in Evolutionary Theory.Suzanne Zeedyk - 2007 - Feminist Review 86 (1):67-88.
    The social sciences are witnessing renewed enthusiasm for sociobiological accounts of human behaviour. Feminist theory has, understandably, tended to engage cautiously with biological reasoning, because women have often been poorly served by the politics of such research. It is important, though, that feminists continue to contribute to this literature, in order to challenge problematic discourses that may emerge. The present paper seeks to analyse a domain of sociobiology that has been the focus of recent controversy: an evolutionary explanation of rape. (...)
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    Monkey see, monkey do, monkey tell? Exploring the relationship between counterproductive work behavior engagement and the likelihood of reporting others.Meagan Brock Baskin, Melissa L. Gruys, Chase A. Winterberg & M. Suzanne Clinton - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (7):516-543.
    Existing literature on counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs) has focused on the influence that interpersonal and organizational factors have on predicting said behavior. However, more recent studies have begun to explore the dimensionality of CWB in relation to the likelihood of coworkers reporting coworkers’ CWBs. Likelihood of reporting CWB across various types of CWB, and the relationships between self-reported CWB were assessed across two studies. The studies did so utilizing two different measures of CWB and two different measures of CWB reporting, (...)
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    (1 other version)The Doctrine of Double Effect.Suzanne M. Uniacke - 1984 - The Thomist 48 (2):188-218.
  7.  24
    Structured narrative retell instruction for young children from low socioeconomic backgrounds: a preliminary study of feasibility.Suzanne M. Adlof, Angela N. McLeod & Brianne Leftwich - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Is Culture Important to the Relationship Between Quality of Life and Resilience? Global Implications for Preparing Communities for Environmental and Health Disasters.Suzanne M. Skevington - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Routine Computing Tasks: Planning as Understanding.Suzanne M. Mannes & Walter Kintsch - 1991 - Cognitive Science 15 (3):305-342.
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  10. Medieval Holism: Hildegard of Bingen on Mental Disorder.Suzanne M. Phillips & Monique D. Boivin - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (4):359-368.
    Current efforts to think holistically about mental disorder may be assisted by considering the integrative strategies used by Hildegard of Bingen, a twelfth-century abbess and healer. We search for integrative strategies in the detailed records of Hilde-gard’s treatment of the noblewoman Sigewiza and in Hildegard’s more general writings. Three strategies support Hildegard’s holistic thinking: the use of narrative approaches to mental illness, acknowledging interdependence between perspectives, and applying principles of balance to the relationships between perspectives. Applying these three strategies to (...)
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    The impact of psychological factors on placebo responses in a randomized controlled trial comparing sham device to dummy pill.Suzanne M. Bertisch, Anna R. T. Legedza, Russell S. Phillips, Roger B. Davis, William B. Stason, Rose H. Goldman & Ted J. Kaptchuk - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (1):14-19.
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    Teaching health care ethics: The importance of moral sensitivity for moral reasoning.Suzanne M. Jaeger PhD - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (2):131–142.
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    The Case Manager’s View.Suzanne M. Burke - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (1):83-84.
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    13. Labor organization and the quality of life in the American states.Suzanne M. Coshow & Benjamin Radcliff - 2009 - In Amitava Krishna Dutt & Benjamin Radcliff (eds.), Happiness, Economics and Politics: Towards a Multi-Disciplinary Approach. Edward Elgar. pp. 285.
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  15. Language and Intersubjectivity in the Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl.Suzanne M. Cunningham - 1972 - Dissertation, The Florida State University
  16.  42
    Essays on Aesthetic Genesis.Suzanne M. Jaeger - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (1-2):195-198.
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    The Body as a Permanent but Mutable Address.Suzanne M. Jaeger - 2006 - Human Studies 29 (1):129-134.
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  18. The Secret of Democracy.Suzanne Labin & Francis M. Myers - 1956 - Ethics 67 (1):58-60.
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    Teaching health care ethics: the importance of moral sensitivity for moral reasoning.Suzanne M. Jaeger - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (2):131-142.
  20.  36
    Willard, Frances and the feminism of fear.Suzanne M. Marilley - 1993 - Feminist Studies 19 (1):123-146.
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    Hildegard and Holism.Suzanne M. Phillips & Monique D. Boivin - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (4):377-379.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hildegard and HolismSuzanne M. Phillips (bio) and Monique D. Boivin (bio)Keywordsbiopsychosocial, integration, medieval, mental illnessWe appreciate the careful and enriching commentary offered by Kroll and by Radden on our paper about holistic views of mental illness in the writings of the twelfth-century abbess and healer Hildegard of Bingen. Both reviewers are well-established figures in the study of historical perspectives on mental illness, an area that we have just begun (...)
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    Modernizing Research Regulations Is Not Enough: It's Time to Think Outside the Regulatory Box.Suzanne M. Rivera, Kyle B. Brothers, R. Jean Cadigan, Heather L. Harrell, Mark A. Rothstein, Richard R. Sharp & Aaron J. Goldenberg - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (7):1-3.
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    A Belmont Reboot: Building a Normative Foundation for Human Research in the 21st Century.Kyle B. Brothers, Suzanne M. Rivera, R. Jean Cadigan, Richard R. Sharp & Aaron J. Goldenberg - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (1):165-172.
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  24. World Traveling as a Clinical Methodology for Psychiatric Care.Suzanne M. Jaeger - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (3):227-231.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.3 (2003) 227-231 [Access article in PDF] World Traveling as a Clinical Methodology for Psychiatric Care Suzanne M. Jaeger Keywords embodiment, dialogical consciousness, interpersonal communication, epistemic responsibility, self-knowledge, understanding IN HER ARTICLE "Moral Tourists and World Travelers," Nancy Potter suggests a way in which psychiatrists and psychologists could gain a better understanding of their mentally ill patients' experiences. Rather than assuming that hallucinations and (...)
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  25.  28
    Legal Notes: Is There a Place for Lawyers on Ethics Committees? A View from the Inside.Suzanne M. Mitchell & Martha S. Swartz - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (2):32.
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    The ceo's influence on corporate foundation giving.James D. Werbel & Suzanne M. Carter - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 40 (1):47 - 60.
    Some scholars have argued that CEOs may have excessive influence on their foundation's trustees to give away a portion of company profits to charitable causes in order to gain access to elite circles or support the CEO's personal causes. This may result in charitable contributions that ultimately serve the personal interests of the CEOs without regard to corporate interests or social needs. We examine the extent that CEOs appear to direct charitable giving to be compatible with their own personal interests, (...)
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    Swallow Motor Pattern Is Modulated by Fixed or Stochastic Alterations in Afferent Feedback.Suzanne N. King, Tabitha Y. Shen, M. Nicholas Musselwhite, Alyssa Huff, Mitchell D. Reed, Ivan Poliacek, Dena R. Howland, Warren Dixon, Kendall F. Morris, Donald C. Bolser, Kimberly E. Iceman & Teresa Pitts - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:511045.
    Afferent feedback can appreciably alter the pharyngeal phase of swallow. In order to measure the stability of the swallow motor pattern during several types of alterations in afferent feedback, we assessed swallow during a conventional water challenge in four anesthetized cats, and compared that to swallows induced by fixed (20 Hz) and stochastic (1-20Hz) electrical stimulation applied to the superior laryngeal nerve. The swallow motor patterns were evaluated by electromyographic activity (EMG) of eight muscles, based on their functional significance: laryngeal (...)
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    Maximization should sometimes lead to abstinence.Suzanne H. Mitchell & William M. Baum - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):589-590.
    Heyman's model, paradoxically, predicts that whereas a maximizing approach to drug choice will prevent escalation of drug use it will never yield complete abstinence. We suggest an alternative model that overcomes this difficulty by focusing on changes in drug tolerance. A small modification allows maximization to predict either abstinence or moderation (e.g., social drinking).
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    Altmesopotamische Weihplatten.Suzanne M. Pelzel & Johannes Boese - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (1):67.
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  30. Responsibility and obligation: Some Kantian directions.Suzanne M. Uniacke - 2005 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 13 (4):461 – 475.
    This paper asks how we should conceptualize the relationship between responsibility and obligation. Its central concern is the relevance of considerations of obligation to the attribution of responsibility for what we do or bring about. The paper approaches this issue through an examination of Kant's complex, challenging and instructive theory of responsibility, in which strict obligation plays a pivotal role in attributions of responsibility for the outcomes of our actions. Even if we do not accept Kant's strongly juridical concept of (...)
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  31. The Human Deviation from Natural Logic in the" apologie de raimond sebond.Suzanne M. Verderber - 2007 - In Corinne Noirot-Maguire & Valérie M. Dionne (eds.), Revelations of character: ethos, rhetoric, and moral philosophy in Montaigne. Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 201.
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    The PSDA: A Long-Term Care View.Suzanne M. Weiss - 1991 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 2 (3):196-199.
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    Beauty and the Breast: Dispelling Significations of Feminine Sensuality in the Aesthetics of Dance.Suzanne M. Jaeger - 1997 - Philosophy Today 41 (2):270-276.
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    Ethical reasoning and the embodied, socially situated subject.Suzanne M. Jaeger - 2004 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 26 (1):55-72.
    My discussion is concerned with how symbolic power constitutively structures our very identities in relation to one another and at the bodily level of lived experience. Although many accounts of the self and of subjectivity as socially situated have difficulties in their explanations of agency, Zaners work suggests a basis upon which the selfs independence from others can be understood. His phenomenology of embodied subjectivity explains how the emerging self presupposes presence with others. At the same time, however, co-presence also (...)
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  35.  16
    Identity by Design: Some Epistemological and Control Issues.Suzanne M. Jaeger - 2003 - Philosophy of Education 59:129-131.
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    Business Versus Personal Values: Does a Double Standard Exist?Roger W. Bartlett & Suzanne M. Ogilby - 1996 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 15 (3):37-63.
  37.  14
    Re-Mediating Research Ethics: End-User License Agreements in Online Games.Suzanne de Castell, Nicholas T. Taylor & Florence M. Chee - 2012 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 32 (6):497-506.
    This article is a theoretical and empirical exploration of the meaning that accompanies contractual agreements, such as the End-User License Agreements (EULAs) that participants of online communities are required to sign as a condition of participation. As our study indicates, clicking “I agree” on the often lengthy conditions presented during the installation and updating process typically permits third parties (including researchers) to monitor the digitally-mediated actions of users. Through our small-scale study in which we asked participants which terms of EULAs (...)
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    The Effects of Liking Norms and Descriptive Norms on Vegetable Consumption: A Randomized Experiment.Jason M. Thomas, Jinyu Liu, Eric L. Robinson, Paul Aveyard, C. Peter Herman & Suzanne Higgs - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Response interference in paired-associate learning.Leonard M. Horowitz & Suzanne R. Larsen - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (3):225.
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    Interview with Professor John M. Dillon.John M. Dillon & Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2018 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 12 (2):197-202.
  41.  16
    Children's Use of Trait Information in Understanding Verbal Irony.Penny M. Pexman, Melanie Glenwright, Suzanne Hala, Stacey L. Kowbel & Sara Jungen - 2006 - Metaphor and Symbol 21 (1):39-60.
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  42.  18
    Ancient and Medieval Concepts of Friendship.Suzanne Stern-Gillet & Gary M. Gurtler (eds.) - 2014 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _Charts the stages of the history of friendship as a philosophical concept in the Western world._.
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    Gifts, drug Samples, and other items given to medical specialists by pharmaceutical companies.Paul M. McNeill, Ian H. Kerridge, Catherine Arciuli, David A. Henry, Graham J. Macdonald, Richard O. Day & Suzanne R. Hill - 2006 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 3 (3):139-148.
    Aim To ascertain the quantity and nature of gifts and items provided by the pharmaceutical industry in Australia to medical specialists and to consider whether these are appropriate in terms of justifiable ethical standards, empirical research and views expressed in the literature.
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    Inspired Translation: Synthesizing Qualitative Research and Boot Camp Translation to Achieve Meaningful Community Engagement.Bethany M. Kwan, Suzanne R. Millward, Meleah Himber, Julie Ressalam, Heidi Wald, Matthew Wynia & Marilyn E. Coors - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (4):29-31.
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    Newton and Darwin: Can this marriage be saved?William M. Baum & Suzanne H. Mitchell - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):91-92.
    The insights described by Nevin & Grace may be summarized without reference to the Newtonian concepts they suggest. The metaphor to Newtonian mechanics seems dubious in three ways: (1) extensions seem to lead to paradoxes; (2) many well-known phenomena are ignored; (3) the Newtonian concepts seem difficult to reconcile with the larger framework of evolutionary theory.
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  46. Soorten van gelijk. Medisch-ethische discussies in Nederland.Ineke Bolt, Suzanne Vathorst & M. Trappenburg - 1996 - Filosofie En Praktijk 15:209-209.
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    The first survey of attitudes of medical students in Ireland towards termination of pregnancy.James M. Fitzgerald, Katherine E. Krause, Darya Yermak, Suzanne Dunne, Ailish Hannigan, Walter Cullen, David Meagher, Deirdre McGrath, Paul Finucane, Calvin Coffey & Colum Dunne - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (10):710-713.
    Background Since the UK Abortion Act (1967), women have travelled from Ireland to the UK for legal abortion. In 2011 >4000 women did so. Knowledge and attitudes of medical students towards abortion have been published, however, this is the first such report from Ireland. Objective To investigate medical students’ attitudes towards abortion in Ireland. Methods All medical students at the University of Limerick, and physicians who graduated from the university within the previous 12 months, were invited via email to complete (...)
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    The Human Embryonic Stem Cell Debate: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy.Andrew Lustig, Ronald M. Green, Suzanne Holland, Karen Lebacqz & Laurie Zoloth - 2002 - Hastings Center Report 32 (5):41.
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  49.  13
    Peer Review and Beyond: Towards a Dialogical Approach of Quality in Ethics Support.Guy A. M. Widdershoven, Bert Molewijk & Suzanne Metselaar - 2018 - In Stuart G. Finder & Mark J. Bliton (eds.), Peer Review, Peer Education, and Modeling in the Practice of Clinical Ethics Consultation: The Zadeh Project. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 193-203.
    In this chapter we reflect on the relevance of peer review for assessing the quality of clinical ethics consultation. We contend that peer review in the narrative form as presented in this book provides an alternative to the formal clinical ethics consultation review procedures typically found in the clinical ethics literature. We elaborate on peer review as a reflection on clinical ethics consultation practice, the elements which a story should contain in order to provide a basis for peer review, and (...)
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    Motor Control and Sensory Feedback Enhance Prosthesis Embodiment and Reduce Phantom Pain After Long-Term Hand Amputation.David M. Page, Jacob A. George, David T. Kluger, Christopher Duncan, Suzanne Wendelken, Tyler Davis, Douglas T. Hutchinson & Gregory A. Clark - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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